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Judith Colbert


Early Years Professional Development Centre
Child Development

All in a Day's Play - Part 1 Development at Work
Author: Ingrid Crowthers, PHD
1 ECE Hour
Learning Continuum: Enhanced
Recognizing and understanding child development is a key factor in helping caregivers to optimize children’s development in all areas. This knowledge is critical in order to:
Engage children effectively
Guide children’s behaviour appropriately
Provide an environment that enhances the growth and development of each child
Provide materials appropriate for the developmental level of each child
Provide experiences that enhance children’s development in all domains – gross and fine motor, language, social, emotional, and cognitive
Ensure that activities, materials, and the learning environments are safe
Ensure the health and well-being of every child
Part 1 focuses on brain, motor and perceptual development.

All in a Day's Play - Part 2 Development at Work
Author: Ingrid Crowthers, PHD
1 ECE Hour
Learning Continuum: Enhanced
Recognizing and understanding child development is a key factor in helping caregivers to optimize children’s development in all areas. This knowledge is critical in order to:
Engage children effectively
Guide children’s behaviour appropriately
Provide an environment that enhances the growth and development of each child
Provide materials appropriate for the developmental level of each child
Provide experiences that enhance children’s development in all domains – gross and fine motor, language, social, emotional, and cognitive
Ensure that activities, materials, and the learning environments are safe
Ensure the health and well-being of every child
Part 2 focuses on communication, social and cognitive development and environments.

Emerging Communication: The Base for Relationships and Learning
Author: Dominion Learning Institute
1 ECE Hour
Learning Continuum: Foundation
Communication is very likely both the most important and the most complex set of skills a child will ever develop. These skills develop naturally in the first three years of life, if the child has the neurological and physical capabilities and is developing in a language-rich environment. Many factors impact the development of communication and language.

Unique Paths: Children With Down Syndrome
Author: Canadian Down Syndrome Society
1 ECE Hour
Learning Continuum: Enhanced
Open a box of crayons and look inside. What are you likely to see? Colours, a wonderful array of colours! There may be a few blues but each one is unique and needed to create a masterpiece. Take out the blue and no more sky! Now, go one step further and add in a few special crayons. Perhaps one that will draw rainbows or swirls or maybe one that only draws smiles! Would you want a box like that? For me, the answer is a resounding "Yes!" This module has been adapted from the document Educator Package: A Guide to Inclusive Education for Children with Down syndrome.