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Child Development

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All in a Day's Play - Part 1 Development at Work

Author: Ingrid Crowthers, PHD

1 ECE Hour

Learning ContinuumEnhanced

Recognizing and understanding child development is a key factor in helping caregivers to optimize children’s development in all areas. This knowledge is critical in order to:

  • Engage children effectively

  • Guide children’s behaviour appropriately

  • Provide an environment that enhances the growth and development of each child

  • Provide materials appropriate for the developmental level of each child

  • Provide experiences that enhance children’s development in all domains – gross and fine motor, language, social, emotional, and cognitive

  • Ensure that activities, materials, and the learning environments are safe

  • Ensure the health and well-being of every child


Part 1 focuses on brain, motor and perceptual development.

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All in a Day's Play - Part 2 Development at Work

Author: Ingrid Crowthers, PHD

1 ECE Hour

Learning ContinuumEnhanced

Recognizing and understanding child development is a key factor in helping caregivers to optimize children’s development in all areas. This knowledge is critical in order to:

  • Engage children effectively

  • Guide children’s behaviour appropriately

  • Provide an environment that enhances the growth and development of each child

  • Provide materials appropriate for the developmental level of each child

  • Provide experiences that enhance children’s development in all domains – gross and fine motor, language, social, emotional, and cognitive

  • Ensure that activities, materials, and the learning environments are safe

  • Ensure the health and well-being of every child


Part 2 focuses on communication, social and cognitive development and environments.

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Emerging Communication: The Base for Relationships and Learning

Author: Dominion Learning Institute

1 ECE Hour

Learning ContinuumFoundation

Communication is very likely both the most important and the most complex set of skills a child will ever develop. These skills develop naturally in the first three years of life, if the child has the neurological and physical capabilities and is developing in a language-rich environment. Many factors impact the development of communication and language. 

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Unique Paths: Children With Down Syndrome

Author: Canadian Down Syndrome Society

1 ECE Hour

Learning Continuum: Enhanced


Open a box of crayons and look inside. What are you likely to see? Colours, a wonderful array of colours! There may be a few blues but each one is unique and needed to create a masterpiece. Take out the blue and no more sky! Now, go one step further and add in a few special crayons. Perhaps one that will draw rainbows or swirls or maybe one that only draws smiles! Would you want a box like that? For me, the answer is a resounding "Yes!" This module has been adapted from the document Educator Package: A Guide to Inclusive Education for Children with Down syndrome.

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