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Family Engagement

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Developing Family Partnerships in Childcare

Contributed by the Canadian Child Care Federation

1 ECE Hour

Learning ContinuumFoundation

Early childhood educators serve dual clients in their profession – the children they work with every day and the family members they greet each morning and end of day. ECE programs focus the majority of the content covered on meeting the needs of young children, with only a surface look at the issues families may deal with and the strategies to support families. This research looks at the ways that ECEs new to the field interact with families as compared to the comfort level of experienced ECEs.

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Understanding and Respecting Aboriginal Parenting
Best Start Resource Centre

1 ECE Hour

Learning ContinuumFoundation

All people benefit from a sense of belonging, to their families, culture and communities. It is especially important in the case of parents caring for young children. Parents need to feel supported by family, friends, the community and by service providers. This module discusses the many things that service providers can do to foster a sense of belonging in Aboriginal families with young children, connecting parents to the information and supports that they need in a respectful and caring manner, and acknowledging their strengths.

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Inclusive Family Engagement in Early Childhood Settings
Jan Blaxall, MASc.

1 ECE Hour

Learning ContinuumFoundation

In response to the values and issues raised in the previous module, this module provides approaches and strategies that can reduce discrimination and exclusion in early childhood, making your centre or program safe and inclusive for each child, family and staff member. Young children observe and imitate the attitudes and behaviours of the adults in their environments; they internalize what they see important adults doing and repeat the behaviours in similar situations.

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Primary Caregiving: Relationship Based, Family Centered Practice
Contributed by the Canadian Child Care Federation
Author: Tina Bonnett, M.A., RECE, IMH Cert.

Relationships may well be the most important component in a quality infant and Toddler program. Giving careful consideration and planning to optimize responsive relationships through primary-caregiving assignment benefits children, families and caregivers by allowing relationships that are more in-tune with infants’ unique needs.

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Play in a Multi-Cultural Context

Author: Maya Goldstein, MA

1 ECE Hour

Learning ContinuumFoundation

While children’s play occurs universally, there are patterns and characteristics that vary among and within cultures. Professionals who work with multi-cultural families need to be aware of and able to engage in discussions that serve to increase mutual understanding. The objective of this learning module is to present different perceptions regarding play and development that are relevant to professionals who work in multicultural settings and create a dialogue about play as a universal and culturally-based activity

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