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Pedagogy & Curriculum

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Engaging Children in Authentic Learning - Learning Principles

Author: Ingrid Crowthers, PHD
1 ECE Hour
Module 1 of 3 (Authentic Learning Environments)
Learning Continuum: Enhanced

In order to understand and work with young children, adults need to understand and respond to how children think and how they subsequently interact within their learning spaces. Learning environments and activities for young children are usually organized to encourage children’s active play. Often, however, a clear idea of what the intended learning within a learning space or activity is not defined. It is assumed that children will learn what they need to learn. This may happen, but as adults we also need to ensure that children gain the skills and abilities that lay the foundations of later learning.

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Principles and Strategies for Inclusive Early Childhood Programs

Author: Jan Blaxall

1 ECE Hour

Module 1 of 3 (Inclusive Family Engagement)

Learning ContinuumEnhanced

This module is designed for Early Years professionals who work directly with children. It discusses the value of and barriers to social inclusion in Early Childhood settings. It challenges ECEs to become observant, knowledgeable, accepting and proactive in making your centre or program safe and inclusive for each child, through interactions and curriculum. The knowledge and empathy developed in early childhood will carry on throughout children’s lifespans, and contribute to the Canada envisioned in the previous module.


Quality Indicators in Programs for Children from Diverse Cultures

Author: Judith Colbert, PHD

1 ECE Hour

Module 1 of 5 (Diversity Series)

Learning Continuum: Enhanced

In order to understand and work with young children, adults need to understand and respond to how children think and how they subsequently interact within their learning spaces. Learning environments and activities for young children are usually organized to encourage children’s active play. Often, however, a clear idea of what the intended learning within a learning space or activity is not defined. It is assumed that children will learn what they need to learn. This may happen, but as adults we also need to ensure that children gain the skills and abilities that lay the foundations of later learning.

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Intentional Learning and Early Math Development - Beginning to Count

Author: Ingrid Crowthers, PHD

1 ECE Hour

Module 2 of 2 (Early Math Development)

Learning Continuum: Enhanced

In order to understand and work with young children, adults need to understand and respond to how children think and how they subsequently interact within their learning spaces. Learning environments and activities for young children are usually organized to encourage children’s active play. Often, however, a clear idea of what the intended learning within a learning space or activity is not defined. It is assumed that children will learn what they need to learn. This may happen, but as adults we also need to ensure that children gain the skills and abilities that lay the foundations of later learning.

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Building Strong Foundations with the Alphabet

Author: Ingrid Crowthers, PHD

1 ECE Hour 

Learning Continuum: Foundation

A key principle in any learning process is to build strong foundations that lay the groundwork for future skills, abilities and knowledge. There is no doubt that knowledge of individual letters is important to learn to read and write.   There are a number of skills that need to be in place first in order for the child to gain a good foundation in learning about the letters of the alphabet. For effective growth and development, foundations must be based on active play.

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Early Childhood Education: An International Perspective

Author: Jan Blaxall 

 1 ECE Hour

Learning Continuum: Enhanced

In order to understand and work with young children, adults need to understand and respond to how children think and how they subsequently interact within their learning spaces. Learning environments and activities for young children are usually organized to encourage children’s active play. Often, however, a clear idea of what the intended learning within a learning space or activity is not defined. It is assumed that children will learn what they need to learn. This may happen, but as adults we also need to ensure that children gain the skills and abilities that lay the foundations of later learning.

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ECE Curriculum and Pedagogy Frameworks in Canada

Author: Dominion Learning Institute

1 ECE Hour

Learning Continuum: Enhanced

This module is intended for those educators, professors, leaders and policy makers who like or  need to think and talk about the “big picture” in their work related to education, care and support of young children and their families.

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