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Dominion Learning Institute of Canada

Early Years Professional Development Centre

Nature in Early Years Settings

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Outdoors All Day: A Walk Through A Forest Preschool

Contributed By: The Canadian Child Care Federation

1 ECE Hour.

Learning Continuum: Foundation


Like most preschools, the children at the Carp Ridge Forest Preschool follow a typical day that begins with circle time in the morning, lunch at noon, creative and physical activities throughout the day and a nap in the afternoon. But unlike most preschools, these children do these things outdoors the whole day

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Common Poisonous Plants

Author: Ingrid Crowthers, PHD

0.5 ECE Hour.

Learning Continuum: Foundation


Ingrid Crowther has compiled a handbook of photographs identifying poisonous plants, that will guide your selection of safe plants for your outdoor classroom.

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Reconnecting with Nature

Contributed By: The Canadian Child Care Federation

1 ECE Hour.

Learning Continuum: Foundation


This module includes the work of several authors who explain the need to recommit to having nature in our child care programs, to gain what we have lost emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and culturally. A must for educators concerned about supporting children to be calm, caring and competent.

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ECE and Nature - Ideas that Work

Contributed By: The Canadian Child Care Federation

1 ECE Hour.

Learning Continuum: Foundation


Early Childhood Educators and child care providers play an important role in building children's connections to nature, one child at a time. It may be organic gardening, recycling or growing a forest that gets children involved with nature, through which they show themselves to be competent and invested in their environments

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