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Judith Colbert
Judith Colbert
Judith Colbert


Early Years Professional Development Centre

Setting up for Success in Social Emotional Learning - Webinar Format
For the last few decades, research and clinical practice have demonstrated and continue to provide evidence to advocate the importance of social and emotional development. In this webinar, you will hear about several ways that you can create opportunities and possibilities for social-emotional earning as an essential component of curriculum for children from infancy to age 12. We hope that you will be inspired and also provided with the framework for developing your goals and roles in this important aspect of children’s days with you.

Kids NEED Rough and Tumble Play - Webinar Format
Are you troubled by the rough and sometimes aggressive way children play and interact? Do you worry about injuries and bullying when children are fighting? Is it challenging to try and restrict physical play? You may be surprised to learn that experts believe that educator attempts to limit big body and rough and tumble play may be jeopardizing children’s development and well-being in many ways. Children don’t just want to play rough and tumble, they NEED to play fight to learn very important skills to read social cues and self-regulate in order to become socially competent. How can educators support this important play while also assuring fairness and safety? Learn the difference between play and real fighting and the skills children need to learn to participate successfully in big body play.Add Description here

Let's Hear it for the Boys! - Webinar Format
​Latest research tells us that most often boys and girls DO learn differently. In this webinar, we’ll look at the research and explore how to set up the environment to support the learning styles of boys. We will present current thinking about this, including risk in play, movement, rough and tumble play and super heroes, etc.

Back to Nature - Webinar Format
Webinar Format
Author: Monica Carruthers RECE, ECRT, AECEO.C
1 ECE Hour.
Learning Continuum: Foundation
Find out why exposure to nature is so important to brain development and how easy it is to incorporate nature in the curriculum every day. Your role as the play and learning partner will have you planning your outdoor curriculum to get them (and you) excited about outside play. Daily nature play has a positive impact on children with ADHD, FASD, and those of us who are "spirited". Modeling healthy lifestyles will impact lifelong health and well-being as well.

Literacy and the Outdoor Classroom - Webinar Format
Webinar Format
Author: Monica Carruthers RECE, ECRT, AECEO.C
1 ECE Hour.
Learning Continuum: Foundation
Literacy is a developing communication system including oral skills, speaking, listening, imagination, reading and writing. In this webinar we will explore the importance of the Outdoor Classroom and creative ways to bring literacy development to the play based environment. We will explore how these literacy activities support the four important foundations for learning; belonging, engagement, expression and well-being..

Negotiation with Children (1 ECE hour)
Author: Ingrid Crowthers, PHD1 ECE HourLearning Continuum: Enhanced
The ability to negotiate is a valuable and necessary life skill. Negotiation involves empathy and compromise and children who learn to negotiate acquire and learn the importance of these abilities.
This webinar provides a framework for negotiating with children from infancy to school age. It explains how children at different ages think differently which influences the strategies that you use to build these skills from the foundation up.
It is an essential aspect of the transition from discipline to guidance and the support of social competence.

Relationships and Challenging Behaviour - Webinar format
Challenging behaviour is one of the most discussed issues in Early Learning and Child Care settings. In this workshop we’ll explore some of the main causes of challenging behaviour and why we interpret some communication as challenging. We will discuss our beliefs about children and how we can help children get their needs met by learning social skills and through our healthy relationships

Supportive and Caring Guidance For Challenging Behavior - Webinar Format
In every early years setting there are some children who struggle with self-regulation while some of these children will have diagnosed special needs that require outside intervention. Many more can learn to self-regulate with appropriate individual support. This module focuses on the principles of individualized approaches to supporting self-regulation that have worked for early childhood educators.